ZGC Development Group Launches New Products and Innovates Park Ecology and Technology Financial Services

On April 26, at the annual meeting of Zhongguancun Forum, ZGC Development Group held a press conference to introduce the characteristic service platform of its industrial parks and sci-tech financial service products.

ZGC Medical Device Park released the cooperation needs of medical device achievement transformation platform. The platform is designed to cope with common difficulties—such as "long product development cycles, slow review and approval procedures, difficult to access patient capital, and late adoption of innovative products by hospitals"—faced by innovative firms and start-ups in the field of medical devices. It has established a "four-in-one" service system that can "support product development, accelerates review and approval procedures, gather patient capital, and expand sales channels", effectively supporting medical device firms to grow "from 0 to 1" and "from 1 to 10".

ZGC Emerging Industry Frontier Technology Research Institute publicly released the needs of the Industrial Service Platform, part of the Intelligent Manufacturing Shared Laboratory, in different scenarios.

In recent years, the Frontier Technology Research Institute, a priority project created by the ZGC Development Group and Fangshan District, has introduced and fostered a number of high-quality enterprises in key industrial sectors such as intelligent manufacturing and new types of energy storage. After continuously improving its service system, the Institute has become the main frontier of sci-tech innovation and high-end industrial development in Fangshan District.

After completion, the Industrial Service Platform will provide 150 times of service for entrepreneurs in Fangshan District and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area every year, with annual service revenues expected to be more than 4 million yuan, effectively supporting the development of high-end equipment, new materials, new energy and other industries in the area.

ZGC (Western Beijing) Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Park rolled out ZGC Application Innovation Platform for the AI Large Models Industry. The platform will establish a "four-in-one" system, i.e. "trusted flowing and runaway prevention of data elements for AI large models, data security governance of AI large model, large model-driven data agent, and seamless upgrade and innovation during the application of large models by enterprises", in an effort to provide strong technical support and an innovation environment for the adoption of large models in various industries.

ZGC Software Park released the " Assessment Service Platform for Data Compliance and Cross-border Data Flow "an independent data compliance management platform built in accordance with national laws and regulations.

Based on the national digital service export base and digital trade port of the ZGC Software Park, the platform focuses on the needs of enterprise users inside and outside the park in many scenarios, like business cooperation, research and innovation, transnational operation and so on, contributing to Beijing's construction of the National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding the Opening Up of the Service Industry and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

The platform will provide professional data compliance services in the form of "technology + service", helping enterprises build an effective pathway for secure and legal cross-border data flow.

The South Central-axis Metaverse Service Platform was officially released at the press conference. Relying on the South Central-axis International Culture and Technology Park, the platform focuses on meeting the needs of the metaverse industry for generic technologies. They include three major systems: bionic construction of digital human, movie-level motion capture, and XR virtual shooting. The platform aims to help companies reduce costs and increase efficiency, and form a strong magnetic field to attract enterprises in the sectors of digital people, digital content, intelligent interaction, and metaverse applications.

In addition, Beijing ZGC Technology Entrepreneurship Financial Services Group launched "full life-cycle financial service products for sci-tech start-ups" to provide systematic and comprehensive financial service solutions for technology-based SMEs struggling with financing difficulties.

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