ZGC Industrial Institute Helped k2 Oncology to Raise Tens of Millions of Yuan

Recently, as the exclusive financial advisor, ZGC Industrial Institute assisted K2 Oncology, an PDO anti-cancer drug R&D firm, to obtain a new round of financing worth tens of millions of yuan. Invested by Fangfu Capital, this round is mainly used for upgrading preclinical toxicological and pharmacological platform, multi-dimensional organoid data mining and market expansion.

K2 Oncology is also part of the investment portfolio of Qihang Funds under ZGC Development Group’s. This round of financing is a successful exploration of mutual cooperation between private equity investment and special financial services within the Group. Such a financing model is worth spreading. It has laid a new foundation for realizing the Group’s goal of creating one-stop integrated services for innovation-based firms and startups.

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